people talk about issues and politics to an audience who already knows and sides with their opinion and everyone sits in a circle to pat eachother on the back and nothing ever improves
everytime i see a response to anything at all i see people talk a language and use terms that most people do not have the privilege to understand. we often tend to talk from a very binary view of our ideologies that most people cannot and do not have the privilege to practice irl
it's ironic as i type this but the point i'm trying to make is that the entire world does not actively exist on instagram or twitter and the responses we have and the opinions we hold pride in do not reach the people we are trying to reach and we end up only talking to eachother
the way i can practice feminism is not the same way my mom can or the way my grandmother can. if you genuinely want explain something to someone you need to explain it to them in a way they can understand. this entire space that we've created where we are not 'allowed to slip up'
-because we will get canceled is fucking toxic. we just end up being gatekeepers and not gatekeeping doesn't mean you allow a molester in; you get the point. we cannot gatekeep the people we're trying to reach. the space has just become so rigid that if you're not completely-
woke according to everyone else, you're on the outside because everyone is busy patting eachother.
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