One of the great things about #Billions is that Axe despite his flaws, selfishness, and greed was still what I think is the first episode that featured more than 2 black people, Axe’s likability dramatically decreased
However, this is the beast to the beauty of the “reality” of that episode...that it is not uncommon for racial minorities to be a part of “the deal” or “at the table” just for show — as they were in this episode about opportunities zones in Yonkers.
Although the opportunities zones + racial minorities business discussion was surface level, the writing was strong enough to invoke some emotion.

👏🏿 to @briankoppelman
I cannot believe that the smartest person on the show, Sacker, ( @dolabunny) basically sold out her daddy to Chuck...did she do it because she is selfish and wants Chuck’s help to win a congressional seat? Did Sacker’s dad not tell Axe his daughter works for Chuck? #billions
Does Sacker see her relationship with her dad the way Chuck is with his dad? I don’t think it was coincidence that she sold out her dad to Chuck while Chuck was sitting with his dad. Is Sacker as ruthless as Chuck to throw her dad under the bus to get what she wants? #billions
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