
Now I’m seeing folks equating wearing a mask with giving into the spirit of fear. For those of you unaware, this is a phrase often used among evangelical Christians. This generalization about masks and fear is troubling on so many levels.
1. The Bible steers us toward being of sound mind, using good judgement, and obeying the laws of the land. In Kentucky, wearing masks in crowds is strongly encouraged, but is not a mandate. Among individuals, medical reasons exist both to wear and not to wear masks.
Being as we have no idea what an individual’s medical practitioner has advised on the matter of masks specific to their medical history, we should not be judging or making blanket statements. It is ignorant and crass to do so. This is the problem with generalizing.
2. Masks should not be politicized. It’s a medical issue that has zero to do with politics. If your Mom was stage 4 cancer with zero immunity due to chemo, I’m sure you’d want her to wear a mask (even pre-COVID19). It is painful to see sick folks being ridiculed re masks 😢
3. A blanket statement that someone has “given into the spirit of fear” because they wear a mask is just moronic. Have I given into the spirit of fear because I choose not to handle snakes? Have I given into the spirit of fear because I don’t cross the street in oncoming traffic
4. Especially during this COVID19 pandemic, equating masks with the “sprit of fear” is dangerous. We all have loved ones we’re trying to protect from this virus. If I’m an asymptomatic carrier, I don’t want to spread it in public and cause the death of your Grandma.
5. I know my cloth grade mask doesn’t offer much protection for me, but if I’m wearing it in enclosed spaces and you’re wearing yours, the protection level for both of us increases. Is me not wanting to harm you “giving into the spirit of fear?” Consideration is not fear.
6. I, along with many of you, desperately would like to return to normal. There are 100,000 reasons why we can’t yet. There may be 200,000 by summer’s end. Please don’t use Christianese to belittle those trying to protect themselves and their families from this virus.
7. Lastly, we shouldn’t judge those who wear masks or abstain from doing so. Like so many issues, it’s best to leave it between that person and God. Rest assured that those of us who are led to do so want normal back as much as everyone else and this is WHY we’re wearing masks.
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