There was a fire at my place very recently. I was the first to arrive at the spot. I quickly took a hose and started spraying water to extinguish it. It was taking a long time. Then my dad arrived. He climbed up a nearby large tank of water and started filling up buckets
After a while I noticed that all the smoke was rising up and reaching him. I quickly ran over to him and asked him to get down and that I'd replace him. He wudnt let me. He knew I was younger, healthier and much more fit to do it. But he wudnt let me. Father's instincts
That's exactly what Zack captured with the tornado scene in MoS. A dad wud sacrifice his life to protect his kid, no matter what. Even if his kid is superman. Anyone who can't understand this just doesn't get what a father wud do. That's why the scene is impactful.
No to mention Jonathan had more to protect than just his son, he needed to protect his identity too. All of this together makes for a very realistic and emotional scene. I guess if u don't get it, u gotta go spend some time with ur dad. Maybe that'll clear things up.
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