@Sestina11 @LG_RBLX - Theres been a few reports (as well as happen to me for a while now) on a bug where Rthro avatars spontaneously die after shooting a rifle (and missing). I think it's got something to do with the avatars arm movement once a rifle is shot & thrown away...
...the arm movement on a dainty little rthro avatar looks like it disconnects the avatar completely apart. Causing you to die. The smaller my rthro avatar, the more likely it happens. I'm going to record some tests on this bug later so happily send you the clips to show you (:
I see more & more rthro avatars in your game now - as that's the trend 😬 So if this does happen to rthro avatars only (which I've only seen) then maybe a tweak in the avatar behaviours of the rifle to fix this? Thank you for your time.
I've tried to induce the bug for recordings but you know what? It's not happened to my rthro avatars since this thread started. So maybe it's fixed itself? Or I'm just unlucky enough to catch it again!
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