Back Story.

We had been dating for about 8 months.

On my birthday she bought me a pair of kicks and a 'Morning Handsome' mug from PEP(If your girl never bought you this mug in college, she wasn't into you).
Fast forward.

Its her birthday. I carry on like it's any other regular day, classes, chills with them boys etc. Then I see statuses and get reminded its her day, wasn't pressed a bit.

There is always that friend that cares about your relationship among gulu la boys..
..that one friend asks me 'mumpangila chani nkazi wanu on her day?'
Was like I don't know, ain't really planning on doing anything, good sex perhaps may be (fellow broke guys can relate).
Mans after critising me advised me to do a small small something to show I cared you know, criticism from a friend slaps, it had me thinking.

Finally decided I'll buy a cake for her. Bought a k10,000 worth cake, koma inandipweteka but I didnt want to show it out you know.

10k is hella lot of money at school for some of us to be just spent at once
Its evening btw.

I take her to my room to surprise her about the cake.

She's excited the moment she sees the cake. Takes pictures puts them on her WA statuses with all them sweet quotes.

Now is the time for the whole drama...
Girl wanted to take the whole cake and it eat it with her friends.

Am like 'nah, lets just eat it the two of us. It's not such a big cake you know, plus fuck yo fake ass friends....'

We argued about it and she got mad, left.

Thats how I ended up eating my girl's birthday cake.
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