Methadone & buprenorphine are two of the most well evidenced medications in the world, largely because of continually and lazy attacks such as this one and the unnecessary need to defend their use
Now for the story itself, yes OST is prescribed by doctors and funded by “taxpayers money”, that is because we have a national health service, where all treatment is free at point of contact – is the journalist suggesting we abolish the NHS?!
There is a principle of ‘equivalence of care’ meaning that people in prison have the legal right to the same level of care provided to people in the community – this is both in international and domestic law
What does ‘easing people towards abstinence’ even mean? The reality is that if prisoners were pushed towards abstinence and left prison drug-free, the risk of overdose would significantly increase
Why is a ‘veteran prison officer’ commenting on doses of medication? Highly unlikely that anyone in the prison estate is getting 150mls, and even if they were that is a clinical decision - should have spoken to a doctor @GlobalDrugSurvy
The idea that people are released on OST ‘to prevent OD’ is presented as a bad thing - it’s not. We have the highest rate of DRDs since records began – primary goal of treatment should be to save lives – the approach advocated in this article would lead to more lives being lost
And whilst yes there may be diversion of meds in prisons, that is not the issue causing the ‘chaos’ – rather than attacking an evidenced based treatment that protects the lives of people maybe instead focus on overcrowding and appalling conditions
What we need is decarceration, investment in our communities & education to tackle some of the causes of crime, housing for all, a universal basic income – those are just some ideas!
And in future when reporting on OST speak to some god damn medical experts @KingsAddictions would be happy to advise – THREADS ENDS
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