I've been chewing on this, and I'm not sure I have the right words, but I'm going to try with the disclaimer that I work in family law/DV and touch of criminal.

Financial stability doesn't trickle down, but systemic abuse does (the former of which can add to the latter). https://twitter.com/annehelen/status/1265418740641837056
I recognize that Anne is zooming the lens in, and I am zooming the lens out...but I wouldn't feel right not sharing that it was Anne's thought that is the catalyst for this thread.
In our system, "oops, my bad" trickles down from the most powerful and forgiveness of shockingly harmful crimes until the consequences of crimes generally are caught at the bottom, with "someone" having to have "accountability".

Each step down in power shifts the consequences.
There are too many in our world who think that a "welfare queen" landing $200 in public aid is a true horror, while the Bernie Madoffs of the world are clever, impressive, and forgiveable...despite his annihilation of financial futures and comic-book worthy last name/crime combo.
Those with relative higher power too often display that they think they should receive an apology for the inconvenience of their time dealing with a situation they created, there is no need for them to apologize, an apology from them is gold, and/or we should just move on.
A wealthy white man who can minimally keep his composure and not come off like Steven Buscemi in ConAir can get away with convincing us that a white woman (or any power level below) is not credible absent a mountain of undisputed evidence a disappointing amount of the time.
A visibly drunk person in public leaving a restaurant is often considered at worst a slight nuisance.

A homeless person drinking on the street is arrested for the audacity of drinking in public, despite not functionally having a place they can legally drink, even if not drunk.
A wealthy white woman can more often than not exert with confidence her fear of any person of lower power level without consequences for inaccuracies.

Culpability unrelated to fact increases with each drop in power from $, gender, race, other disadvantage, and/or negative bias.
Anger and fear are justified at the top, with a shockingly loose relationship to the truth.

Anger and fear are punished at the bottom, with a shockingly loose relationship to the truth.
We need to work to equalize responsibility and response so that

a) it isn't acceptable to commit (or attempt) crimes on others with presumed impunity directly (George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery)

b) or indirectly (Christian Cooper)

and c) we break the systemic abuse cycles generally.
There are crimes and transgressions that occur to (and from) people in all walks of life, but bias, absorption of harm, and consequences for misdeeds skew further toward the top or bottom of the ladder of power.

These are all intertwined and relational truth is killing.
Tl;dr - we have a *lot* of work to do with comeuppance for entitlement and abuses of power, and disproportionate harms to folks who carry the weight of the entitlement and abuse.
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