Whoa, colors are so fascinating, what the hell! I'm reading up on color perception and color spaces, and the ways in which RGB values, pixels on a screen, our eyes, and our brains interplay is *very* pleasing to me.
For example, it became clear to me that, while screens of course can't emit orange light (only a mixture of red and green light), this produces a stimulus in our three types of color cones that's practically identical to that of monochromatic orange light!
And *that's* the reason why we can display so many colors on a screen using only three types of subpixels, even though the light spectrums can be wildly different to a real-world light source! Other animals might perceive what's on our screens quite differently!
On the other hand, it's impossible to stimulate *only* our "M" cones (which are especially perceptible to green light), because any light spectrum will always *also* stimulate the S or L cones! :O
And I had heard of "purple is a lie", but today, I finally understood what's behind that: there's no light of a single frequency that's perceived as purple! It's how our brain interprets the situation when the S and L cones are stimulated, but the M cones are not.
So of course there's a purple chromaticity, and a purple color perception, but in this case, you *have* to mix blue and red light to create it!
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