I think as I’m getting involved in the art community online more, I’m seeing the obsession with numbers, likes and retweets a lot more and it’s definitely impacting me negatively - especially as I’m someone who’s prone to fret over things like that anyways.
I completely understand why it happens - especially when you’re making things you put your all into and you want to see that reflected in the response to them, but I’m increasingly finding it to be so unhealthy to be focused on follower counts and like/share numbers.
And I think it’s also really true that you should think about why you create art (whatever type of art that may be) in the first place. I know my reasons for doing it aren’t social media related at all, that’s just something that comes after. It’s really important on focusing on
your passion for your art and making things YOU want to - especially with the rise of fast-paced viral trends. Just make what you want to, make things you’re proud of and that will be reflected in your work.
And when it comes to getting your work out there and follower/engagement counts? I think what @sineadkhan says in this piece is really important: not building up those counts for the sake of it but focusing on meaningful connections and relationships https://twitter.com/sineadkhan/status/1265616387449540608?s=21 https://twitter.com/sineadkhan/status/1265616387449540608
I don’t want to fall into the trap of obsessing over numbers because it’s not worth it and from my own experience, it impacts me negatively. I want to create things I’m proud of and have worked hard on and share them with people who care about me or what I do.
I also would just like to say that this thread wasn’t aimed at any one person. Artists can & should celebrate reaching their goals/growing their community - it was more just an observation on social media culture/focus on numbers that can be really unhealthy and discouraging
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