Like many of the last few weeks, I have been trying to straddle the real anxieties of being a freelance artist, being a mother, being a part of organisations trying to support artists, and being a human being who frankly just wants a hug...
A part of that has been not knowing what to do to help...not being able to give to every artist fund or charity but feeling incredibly lucky and privileged to have my own space and warm safe place to have my mini freaks out...
In amongst this I've wanted to shout about the existing inequalities, and how emboldened some feel by this crisis, and are using it as an opportunity to further embed existing structures with all it's flaws and the White men are back to being the loudest voices...
But mostly I keep thinking about tjose falling through the gaps in our industry. Never mind the voices not heard in all these very exclusive zoom rooms...sigh...and I want to start to do something...
And truth is whatever the future of theatre looks like - sorry if this hurts but it is likely to be more of the same because there are too many people - not all men - still invested in the 'past' of theatre - there are smaller arts and theatre orgs who are currently unheard...
They have been brave in trying to set up alternatives of what theatre and arts orgs can look like, but cannot currently compete with the bigger orgs when it comes to digital content whether now or in the future...and they are made up of freelancers/artists too...
So I'm inviting a small group of smaller arts/theatre orgs to take part in a short workshop where the focus will be on digital space and how we can make that work for you when you have neither the resources or capacity? What are the models out there and what do they look like?...
This session will be hosted by 2 people who have a lot of experience in digital and online - but less contact with traditional theatre. They will bring case studies of other sectors and work and how those have worked? Theatre is great but it doesn't have all the answers...fact!
And there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the practicalities and about the scope of some of the work they share. They will not be able to answer questions about the future of theatre or how we get paid...please don't ask them to do that!
But may be able to help you think about how you might 'pivot' your current online presence with content other than filmed shows or how to use your existing work to keep your digital presence alive.
Now the hard bit...this is not funded or facilitated by any theatre or arts org. I am doing this for myself and for my fellow artists because I want to create space for us to think and talk outside the panic. The panic is real but it is not all we are...
And frankly we should have been thinking a lot more clearly about what digital offers us even as a live performance sector in the way music and other sectors have. It is about about creating a space for creative thinking...
The session will take place on next week - details will be sent to participants shortly for now just gauging interest. I can only offer 15 small orgs a place in this session to make the session as constructive as possible for everyone concerned. There may be another opportunity.
If you're interested in taking part please DM in the first instance. Like I said, I am covering the costs of this because it is basically equivalent to the money i would have spent by now on all the hypothetical ways I wanted to only get in touch if interest is genuine.
Now that I've got the details out of the way, this is bloody exciting and I am so excited by the 2 people who will be running this session. More on that later. Small theatre/arts orgs struggling to know what to do with online presence and digital content, get involved! Thanks.
And I should say arts/theatre orgs working with communities and artists that have traditionally been considered 'add ons' in this theatre industry definitely holler at me...THIS IS FREE to take part in.
I'm not trying to save anyone but I am interested in bringing my past work experience working in digital with my current life as an writer and a part of theatre world together positively. Look away if that annoys you ;-)
I am also going to have a BSL sign language interpreter in the session. I have someone in mind but not currently sure if available so I may be back on here asking...
This now sorted. YES!!!!!! Please do share with companies that may be interested.
Also I should be clear all facilitators are being paid. One has offered to give time for free...but that was after a discussion. It's okay if you can to give time in kind. Also okay to ask for your time to be paid. Neither needs judgement.
You can follow @Chino100percent.
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