I recognize a lot of people, especially those invested in the myth of white innocence, are trying to find your way to believing she wasn’t trying to kill him. Quit the rationalizations.
Literally, one of the most common — if not the most common — reasons people commit murder is because they are reacting to a perceived lack of deference from someone they believe owes it to them. Domestic violence murders. Nearly all gang murders. Road rage. Bar fights.
According to the FBI, in the cases where motive for murder was known, "39.4 percent of victims were murdered during arguments”. The 2nd most common reason was murder during commission of a crime, which was 24.5%. People kill people in order to establish dominance all the time.
And, of course, when George Zimmerman got all bent out of shape about Trayvon Martin walking around where Zimmerman didn’t think Martin had a right, so he (yep) calling 911 and then chased Martin down and killed him.
So yeah, bringing the violent power of the state on someone’s head because of a sense of entitlement to deference (based on race in this case) isn’t preposterous. People kill each other for that kind of bullshit all the time.
The fact that Amy Cooper is choking a whimpering dog while she threatens Christian Cooper only confirms it to me. Not that hurting a dog is the same as hurting a person, of course. But it's well-established that cruelty to animals is a symptom of generalized cruelty.
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