It's mind blowing to look back at my life and realize how big of an impact some individuals have had on it.

I would not be who I am today without my high school Psych teacher. He didn't even remember me after, but that's not the point.
He cared about the concepts of self-awareness and understanding of others enough to really hit them home during a time when I had little to no psychological direction in life.

I can't even begin to fathom who I would be without that 40min class every week day for 4 months.
It's not just him either. I may not have kept my dream of writing alive without one woman who I met for 20mins.

All she had to say was "I enjoy your work. Whatever you do, keep writing."

That's a heavy weight to think about with every sentence, but take it to heart.
The things we say and do to other people have massive impact in ways we may never know.

That's why no matter how angry or pissed off I am at this culture, I really don't want to just verbally dump all over it.

How can I impact even one life by remaining positive?
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