Many seem surprised to know that I am Christian, but believe it or not, being steeped in science requires tempering.
Just as religion can become “crazed” in ways that predispose it to becoming a personality cult, so can science become dogmatic.
We ought to use all our faculties to come to know reality as closest we can, for we will never be able to know with absolute certainty.
The ability to tolerate uncertainty is a sign of health, and what Trump supporters evidently lack: their lives are so uncertain and intolerable, they are drawn to demagogues who say, “I alone can fix it,” or “I know everything” (which, of course, no honest individual would say).
So what do I get out of religion? Mystery. A larger universe than I can know. Humility. Love and peace. These are common to all major religions, and even non-religion.
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