Strangely unpopular opinion: arguing frequently in a relationship is not normal.

If you're dating someone and you have an argument in the first year, you should break up.

Arguments happen, but I was with my ex for a decade and I can count our arguments on one hand.
By argument I mean *argument*.

Not bickering about whose turn it is to do the dishes. Not having a disagreement about which restaurant does the best curry.

People get grouchy, bickering happens. (Though again, that shouldn't be your daily life.)
Something @edgar_a_bitch and I often discuss is this weird dynamic of cishet relationships where the man hates his wife, and the woman treats her husband like a child she has to care for, and it's BIZARRE.

That is not a healthy relationship. That is not love.
One of my favourite facts is that The Addams Family was created to be the antithesis of the American family, and a huge part of that was a husband and wife that were desperately in love and would do anything for one another.

Find your Addams; that's love.
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