I wish they could disgust me, but I just end up feeling sorry for them. Here's why...

This might be a thread 😅 https://twitter.com/lizobuya_izwe/status/1265516849824960512
These cloud coloureds only marry a certain type of Black person, in certain neanderthal spaces they like to call them "free-thinkers". Yes, cause we all know a Black person can only be "free" if they agree with white BS, and never do or say anything to challenge it 😌.
These types of Black people know this. They know that in order for them to date/marry these cloud coloureds, they need to meet certain "free-thinker" conditions:

1. Pretend racism/white supremacy doesn't exist, if it does then it's really not that bad 😂
2. Ignore microaggressions when they come, and they ALWAYS come, if not from the partner then from the partner's families, friends...
3. Pretend white privilege is a figment of non-white people's imagination. They're just jealous of all this "superiority" don't you know 😤
4. You can be Black but not too Black, afterall, if you were like 'all the others' they'd hate you too.
5. Constantly convince yourself of the delusions of non-racialism/Rainbowism, even tho reality points to the contrary 💀
6. You can't show any kind of racial solidarity with your own people, why, we wouldn't want to make white bae uncomfortable. 😌

Rinse and repeat, and this mentacide keeps them in a constant state of self-loathing, diminished self-worth and low racial-esteem.
That sounds like hell itself, sounds like being stuck in a mental straight jacket, because their Blackness is the only thing in this entire equation they can never change. The only thing they've chosen not to love and value.

I feel sorry for them.
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