Dear @nordstarcap,

I read @TorontoStar because of its commitment to the 6 Atkinson Principles:

1) Strong, united & independent Canada
2) Social Justice
3) Independent & Civil Liberties
4) Community & Civic Engagement
5) Rights of Working People
6) Necessary Role of Government
I've been reading @TorontoStar since I was 12 years old. Thrust into the guinea pig cohort of education reform created by Mike Harris and Bill 160, I started reading the newspaper to learn why it was happening.

The Toronto Star shaped me into the person I am today.
I am the child of working class Chinese immigrants who taught me principles of integrity and responsibility.

I am an unabashedly progressive and compassionate social justice warrior.

I am a bleeding heart liberal who thinks deeply about the issues faced by regular people.
I am fighting for Toronto, the city I know and love. I am fighting for a happier and healthier Toronto, so that everyone can live and thrive in this fair city.

The @TorontoStar is a necessary part of my education and media arsenal for fighting the good fight.
Freedom of the press is one of the pillars of a functioning democracy, and journalists are truth-tellers. They perform a vital, public service. They are my personal heroes.

So I have much respect for everyone who works at the @TorontoStar. I am protective of them as a result.
And everyone else at @TorontoStar and the Torstar Media family. I couldn't tag everyone directly, but they are no less important (otherwise this thread would go on forever).

They are all awesome, and they deserve to keep working and doing what they do best.
You can follow @HelenWZ_Lee.
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