My artworks!!

A thread;
Skl I had a tumblr era where I had an "ask blog" aaaand ganto ginagawa ko hehe (it's dead na pero I plan on reviving kung buhay pa fandom)
Eto I designed my cousin's card game I think a year ago (4/7)
I also had random unfinished drawings and sketches (random stuff, really)
More comics and unfinished (no color and not much detail) drawings
Finished drawingsss
I love BNHA hehe (more comics and sketches, too)
Hulaan niyo alin dito sinend ko sa crush ko dati
Start of huevember era (1/33)
So ayun skl ulit I have some unposted Huevember artworks kasi either napangitan ako or masyadong detailed (too long to make)
The first pic is a sample of an unposted artwork
End of Huevember era
Thread too big maygash...

(//end of thread//)
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