banning the last of us part 2 isn't *respecting culture*, accepting that it's banned isn't *respecting culture*, nobody has to 'respect a culture' that doesn't respect others, it's homophobia NOT 'culture' & there's no place for it in the modern world, you're just archaic as fuck
i have never, and will never, respect a culture for opinions or ideology that one person is superior to another based on sexual preference, gender identity, race or upbringing, if you're that pressed about other peoples lives then you really have some deep rooted issues, sort it.
also, to be pressed that people aren't 'respecting your culture' while you're simultaneously refusing to accept anything outside of 'yours', is fucking laughable, you're a fucking joke.
If you believe anything I have said, if you truly believe that my want for everyone to be kind, loved, accepted & equal is islamophobic, or any kind of 'phobic', for that matter, then I feel that says a lot more about you than it does about me, and you should deal with your shit.
i've met some absolutely fantastic people on here who i adore so so much, but i've also met a lot of fucking stupid backwards ass mother fuckers too, grow the fuck up, live outside your small bubble of stupidity for once in your fucking life.
you can reply to this thread if you like, i'm muting it and probably wont read the replies, i don't really care what anyone else thinks about this whole situation, but after some of the fucking stupidity i've seen recently i wanted to say something.
i'm probably not going to be very active on here anymore because it's fucking draining, i'll reply to friends in DM's as i always have done, and if anyone i'm close to uses whatsapp you can get me there too, but don't expect me to be very active until i've finished TLOU2.
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