Be it twitter or Linkedin like many I have plenty of 'how do I' type mail on longevity in the industry - here's a short thread for any Sport Science and Strength & Conditioning students/graduates ...
1/5 For every industry ‘specific’ book you read, read one ‘non-specific’, be that business, communication, general rules for life etc. Personal starting point would be ‘How to win friends and influence people’, ‘Key networking tips for business and life’ and ‘never eat alone’
2/5 To begin with you don’t have much to offer those your reaching out too. Whenever you have some leverage (friend, family member etc) maximise it to the best of your ability. There will come a time you can pay it back rather than being able to pay it forward initially.
3/5 Maximise time while you have it. Pre working life, pre partner and pre responsibilities. Get as much of the ‘free work’ in industry out of the way while studying, everyone has to go through internship(s) so get it done while you have time and (hopefully) financial ability.
4/5 THINK about everything decision you make. The head down and blinkered grind mentality can be dangerous. Self-assess before making decisions, if you have a wealth of applied experience coming from BSc then further study maybe viable, if you don’t – go and experience it first!
5/5 Get transferable skills. Understand how to initially make and subsequently grow your finances, understand marketing and audience building, build websites, learn to code, experience different cultures …. Fail at most of it and go again.
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