This is a trend I'm starting to see A Lot from the young people in our community and it needs to stop.

You guys. People have been using their labels longer than you have been alive.

Let them.

You do not get a say in what labels other people use.
And don't come at me with that "You're destroying the meaning of the word if you use it wrong" bullshit.

They're not using it wrong. You're the ones defining it in a new way.

Specifically, you're doing so in a way that excludes them.

Maybe think about why you need to do that.
A LOT of this seems to be coming from the same place as those people who say bi lesbians are "erasing" lesbians or those people saying aces/aros are "basically straight" or saying trans women are "erasing women."

You're being misled. Stop telling us what we are and start asking.
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