#OTD 1940 Capt Long MC Diary(post war). Little activity during night. Full scale attack, proceeded by barrage, at dawn, 0330hrs. Chief attack on “B” Coy. A.F.V’s & infantry in large numbers in P.CORNET MALO - remaining mortar destroyed. #LeParadis #NorfolkRegiment #1940 #Norfolk
Information received approx 0500hrs that relief force expected - relieving force, 1 Bde French Infantry - 1 English Tank Regt. “B” Coy out of touch - feared annihilated, no available re-enforcements.Enemy tanks moving towards “A” Coy. #LeParadis #Norfolk #NorfolkRegiment
“C” Coy reported heavy attacks - enemy motorised units passing along road to left flank - no artillery support. “A”&”D” reported heavy attacks - Enemy everywhere over canal - casualties increasing in number - position serious. #ww2 #LeParadis #NorfolkRegiment #BattleofFrance
2/Lt Willeson wounded - enemy troops engaged Bn H.Q. from Bois de PACQUEAUT Coy of 1/R.S on our right withdrawing. Captain Gordon sent over to stop movement - 2 enemy tanks halted on left of Bn HQ - engaged by fire from Bn H.Q. #ww2 #LeParadis #NorfolkRegiment #BattleofFrance
Enemy replied with shellfire - crews of section field gun in area reported to HQ stating an officer, unknown, had told them to abandon guns - CO sent them back. Strong enemy movement reported from left flank. #ww2 #LeParadis #NorfolkRegiment #BattleofFrance
Artillery support asked for - not available. Pln of A & S.H withdrew to Bn H.Q - officer stated no longer supported by infantry - CO sent him back with orders to remain until directly ordered to leave - 6 men & Lt Woodwark, sole survivors of “A” company. #ww2 #LeParadis #Norfolk
Withdrew to Bn H.Q. CO approved of this action. Lt Woodwark states Pln of A&S.H had retired leaving guns. These guns continued to be served until by men of “A” Coy until rendered useless. Enemy over-ran position of “A” Coy. #ww2 #NorfolkRegiment #LeParadis #BattleofFrance
Crews of field guns again returned to Bn HQ - sank breach blokes in pond - orders from same officer. Enemy on right appeared to be withdrawing - attack down road from rear by motor cycle unit - repulsed with loss to enemy. #ww2 #LeParadis #NorfolkRegiment #Norfolk #BattleofFrance
Counter attack by RSM Cockaday conspicuous for brave and valuable work. 2/Lt Buchanan rang up stating himself and 6 men left. They are defending Coy HQ to last. Bn HQ under heavy fire - enemy movement round right flank to rear. #ww2 #LeParadis #NorfolkRegiment #BattleofFrance
No news of carriers. Enemy in occupation of “A” & “B” Coy positions. “D” Coy now out of touch - feared long overrun. A/Maj Elwes rang up stating enemy surrounding position and passing his left flank. #ww2 #LeParadis #NorfolkRegiment #BattleofFrance #1940
Artillery support again demanded - not available. Line to “C” now dead - enemy closing in all round Bn HQ - strength of Bn now approx 100 of which 50 were in “C” Coy completely out of touch. At 16:40hrs message received from Bde to order Bn to withdraw if possible. #LeParadis
At dusk - ordered to hold until then. CO spoke to Brigadier, informed him that position was now hopeless & wireless to be destroyed. HQ hit by shell fire - Captain Long & Lt Woodwark wounded - many other casualties - house on fire. #ww2 #LeParadis #NorfolkRegiment #1940
Enemy closing all round - ammunition low. Approx 1715hrs enemy entered yard of Bn HQ - ammunition exhausted - CO ordered surrender. Maj. Richardson & Lt Willeson missing. Number taken prisoner OR’s 25 - 4 Officers - Capt Long, Lt Woodwark, Capt Hastings(Ox&Buck LI) #LeParadis
& Lt Draffin(RAMC). All Bn HQ vehicles destroyed by fire - small quantity of petrol taken by enemy. These men with Capt Long MC are the lucky ones which fate decided would be captured and not be part of the 99 to be massacred. #ww2 #LeParadis #NorfolkRegiment #BattleofFrance
The men and officers of the 2/Norfolks and other regiments under the command of Maj.(A/Lt.Col) Ryder agreed to surrender. As they did so they came under M.G fire. Waiting for this to end they re-emerged with the the white flag. #ww2 #NorfolkRegiment #LeParadis
They would surrender to the SS Totenkopf. The men were marched from Duries Farm to Creton Farm. On the way they were stripped of their equipment and even ID discs. Finally on arriving at the farm the were lead into a pasture. #ww2 #LeParadis #NorfolkRegiment #BattleofFrance #1940
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