Excellent thread.

a combination of social atomisation, bourgeois safetyism, and a distinctly unempowering form of feminism that paints all men as potential threats leads privileged women to react - whether through panic or hatred - like this towards extremely nonthreatening men. https://twitter.com/caro/status/1265423574422126594
And yes, particularly black men.

Girls need to stop being taught that the world is out to get them. It certainly does no favours for their psychological well-being, and in all likelihood leads to the irrationally hostile “Karen”, who panics in extremely minor confrontations.
The cult of safetyism tells kids - particularly girls - that it’s okay to be afraid all the time. That your feelings are always valid and no one can take that away from you.

In reality, fear is often irrational. And it can lead you to do very stupid things. Hence the Karen.
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