What is state sovereignty? It is defined within the US Constitution as the right of each state to govern themselves with limited federal interference. What are we seeing today regarding the lock downs in each state? State sovereignty...
Some states are opening up so that their citizens can begin to work and lift their economy. Others remain locked and have proposed (HR 6666) infringements on their citizens Constitutional rights...
...such as contact tracing, state mandated quarantine, mandatory vaccination. Why isn't the federal government stepping in to stop this overreach? What will this cause the citizens of each of these states to consider?
It is not required that citizens stay in their respective state and not move to another with less restrictions on their Constitutional rights. Mass migration to other states with less restrictions may be undertaken. If this happens, what are the implications?
The states with the most restrictive measures are those under Democrat control. This will cause citizens to move to Republican states with less restrictive measures and be less likely to vote Democrat in order to safeguard their individual Constitutional rights.
The reason for Constitutional state sovereignty was to safeguard against any one state becoming overpowerful against the rights of their citizens, thus maintaining the prospect of "by the people and for the people" rule of law.
The reason for limited federal interference was the same....to maintain the prospect of "by the people for the people" rule of law. When a state government oversteps their power over the people, the people have the freedom to change course.
This change maintains the people's choice of how they choose to be governed and limits the power of the government, state and federal, allowing for liberty. For those who espouse the idea that "the federal government should step in", try to think deeper about what you're asking.
The Constitution was written this way for a reason. There has never been a federal government that stood back and allowed the states to govern themselves for over 100 years, since the Civil War removed state sovereignty...*see pinned tweet*.
Remember that in order for us to remain a free and prosperous country, we must safeguard state sovereignty and "by the people, for the people" rule of law. If the federal government steps in, you will be allowing precident for an overpowerful federal rule to govern your state...
...against state sovereignty and people's choice. The people MUST choose how they will be governed. The people MUST safeguard their Constitutional rights. The people MUST fight to retain their liberty. And the ways to do this are also contained within the Constitution:
(1) the right of the people to peaceably assemble (2) the right to petition your government for redress of grievances without fear of punishment or reprisals (3) free movement between states and...
...for those who establish citizenship in that state, to enjoy the same rights and benefits as other state citizens.
Let us all remember that we are a FREE people in a FREE country and our rights and freedoms are protected under the United States Constitution, and these rights "shall not be infringed". Use them!
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