Stan Wintson studios really "got" the appeal of Godzilla. This redesign feels more "realistic" while maintaining the spirit and appeal of the original. This is a masterclass in updating a classic iconic character!
1998 Hollywood Godzilla was very much a marine Iguana

2014 Hollywood Godzilla was very much a huge crocodile

Stan Winston & Mark McCreery's Godzilla has elements of real world animals, but steadfastly remains Godzilla first and foremost!
Most artists, tasked with making a realistic Godzilla will make him more reptilian. Stan Winston and Mark McCreery went further. They realized that Godzilla is actually quite cat-like! They didn't make any parts too literal though! It was all blended into the core Godzilla design
At first glance the Stan Winston design might seem like the more obvious approach. It's simply a more "realistic" Godzilla. But SO MUCH EXPERTISE went into that design! I think it's the most refined and insightful of all the American Godzillas!
By the way, here is the badguy from this cancelled USA Godzilla project. The "Gryphon" also conceptualized by Mark McCreery! These are some of the coolest monster designs ever! We missed out folks!

Read all about this amazing project here:
The "Gryphon" had smaller, human sized minions called "probe bats" which had also been fully designed before the project was cancelled! SO COOL!

Here's an interview with Mark "Crash" McCreery, the amazing artist behind those awesome American Kaiju in this thread and so much more! This dude is an absolute legend. One of the greatest creature designers of all time. Please learn more about him!
"I get intimidated by other artists as well"
-Mark McCreery

WTF he's so humble still!

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