Remember digital self care during this traumatic time and the aftermath over the next few days.
Muting words doesn't mean you've stopped caring it means self-preservation in order keep effectively fighting and supporting.
Digital self care is about centering and growing your agency. Rather than passively consuming information (and at times be algorithmically manipulated by racist and sexist biases).
Its about recognising your boundaries and tolerance so you can flourish rather than be depleted
You can chose to get your news in which ever form you want and whenever you want it.

It doesn't have to be when Twitter tells you should. Particularly via engineered trending topics that is about spending more time on the platform then our self care and wellbeing.
Here's part of my list of muted words (the part I can show without causing offence).

In the past I have also muted the # Bl@ckLiv€sM@tter for 7 days at a time because seeing Black people dying and in trauma is just simply not healthy.
Traumatic news and rage can be very addictive. These platforms will tap into whatever they can to get you spending more time and energy. Look I'm doing it right now by creating this thread.
You can follow @seyiakiwowo.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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