story time!!! (THREAD)
okay so when i was in primary school (1st grade to 6th grade in australia we don’t have middle school) these four guys in my year level found a random credit card on the ground outside one day, and you know what these idiots thought??? imma buy -
something with that. you know, like the absolute shitheads they are. mind you, they found this OUTSIDE THE FUCKING POLICE STATION, and didn’t turn it in! so this guy found it right, and he started exchanging the pin on the credit card for fucking SWEETS IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS -
cause you know, they’re god tier level intellectuals. anyway, they tried to buy shit like a swegway, football boots, a fucking playstation, and other really expensive things a 12 year old would not be able to buy. anyway,, they didn’t manage to purchase anything thank god -
but one of my friends heard what they were doing and reported it to a teacher. and this is when shit got serious, the school called the fucking police and the boys families, and they launched a full scale investigation into the the boys, they interrogated them for -
hours!! the one who found the card was expelled from school, like no chance, they just kicked him out, and the guy who was giving out the number was almost arrested. i think one of them went to court about it as well. anyway it was fucking wack and i didn’t know a single -
thing about it until the teachers asked us to come forward and say if we had heard anything about their plans or any kind of evidence. in all, don’t steal credit cards, it’s not funny, and ESPECIALLY do not try to buy shit with the stolen credit card.
(end of thread)
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