I h8 when ppl actually gate keep in the witch community. Just bc someone was raised one way does not mean they can dive into their culture and connect to a craft within that they resonate with.
For a lot of BIPOC communities in the states religion was something forced onto our families. Some families kept their religions and it’s a positive thing for them now but that doesn’t mean someone can’t seek out traditional things too.
It’s like the argument that ntvs can’t follow god or else they’re colonized. Anyone can follow Catholicism/Christianity whatever tf. It’s not a closed religion. It’s whether or not someone weaponizes it that shows whether it’s a colonized mindset or just something they follow.
A lot of ntv ppl still believe in god based (??) religions and also follow traditional tribal beliefs. It’s not one or the other it can be both.
Residential schools have caused a lot of ntv families to adopt certain religions. And those religions have gotten passed down to the current generation today. It’s become a normal for some families.
You also have to think about how disconnected all ntvs kinda are to traditional practice. Some of our languages and practices are gone and for some tribes only so much can be restored. Esp as our elders leave us the knowledge goes with them.
So for some western religion (??) is what they grew up with and is how they feel most connected to their families/community. This does not mean they aren’t entitled to learning about their tribal practices while also still following western religion (??).
I honestly don’t know how to refer to Christianity/Catholicism shit like that in one vague lump other than western religion (??) possibly? Idk truly. But I hope my point wasn’t misconstrued I def got off topic.
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