watching this documentary thus far has changed my perspective. i realized how hypocritical i am, as well as other armys are. personally, when i compete in a music competition, i always strive for perfection. i know that goal is unattainable, and that should be obvious. i never +
thought about how others felt in similar situations as my own. it's pressuring when people are looking at you, assuming that you're going to do amazing. when you don't do amazing (at least, in your mind) you naturally get upset. i don't like being told i'm perfect +
at something, because it's frustrating when i "let someone down" for my inability to attain perfection. when i think about bts like that, i feel guilty for thinking "don't cry, you're perfect," even though they feel they didn't do 100% that day. saying these things+
is supportive, yes, and i'm glad our fandom knows how to compliment our faves as any other fandom does. we can compliment them all we want, but i don't want to inhibit them from progressing as artists, and as humans overall. we may think they do/did amazing in their performances+
but as fans, we should respect their boundaries and let them feel the way they want to feel. they try to better themselves every day, which is amazing. we are our own harshest critics. we should let them criticize themselves without trying to tell them they did perfect, or they +
did nothing wrong. i think we should just be there for them. when they think they've messed up, we should be there to let them know they did amazing, regardless of what has happened. everyone is beautifully flawed; we shouldn't try to attempt the impossible. as i said in the +
beginning, this documentary has changed my mindset. instead of trying to achieve a flawless life, i want to live a happy and honest one. i think i can do that by trying my best at everything i do, rather than trying to idealize perfection. this thread is just one small thing +
bts has done for me. they are wise beyond their years, and i hope they know they're beautifully flawed. i'll try to change myself by thinking this way. i'll speak it into existence... but as i said, no one is perfect :)
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