People like @nezumi_ningen should be more pissed off than ever right now at the growing number of takes which suggest that nobody saw this intersection coming. I don't think she coined the term, but she certainly, er, accelerated its use.
The idea here is principally that state structures should be dismantled in some form. When I started focusing on this topic, they were creating fake Black personas on Twitter in order to astroturf the Ferguson protests and paint the protesters as racist extremists. What changed?
The dynamics of the far right haven't changed much, insofar as their ultimate aims are still the same. The dynamics of progressive/local civil society protests haven't changed, insofar as Blacks are still regularly being murdered by the state. What has changed? The state itself.
The conditions of the state have changed. Boogaloo bois still have their aims. White supremacists still want to achieve the 14 words. But the perception of the state, if not the state itself, has been critically weakened.
And we saw screenshots of some Boogaloo Bois, who sought to go out and protest *against* the police, expressing fear that they'd be perceived as police -- in part for staging at the police HQ. They have the immense privilege of establishing such a staging area.
The remnants of the Lynwood Vikings are a great example of the capacity for a specific partisan force to exist within a structure, reap its privileges, and yet still ultimately seek to attain a mission beyond the immediate auspices of the structure they exist within.
So really, what should scare anyone about this is less the idea that Boogaloo Bois are participating alongside anti-police protesters, and more the idea that white supremacists still consider Black justice movements to be marginal and highly unsustainable.
If white supremacist groups don't believe these protest movements to be marginal in nature, or somehow believe the nature of these movements outweighs the stability of the state, they wouldn't be comfortable promoting these protests to achieve their own aims.
One factor may be more dominant than others, but all of the aforementioned factors are certainly at play in this dynamic: the weakness of the state, the perceived position of WN groups within the political economy, and the perceived weakness of progressive movements by WN groups.
As a footnote, I do apologize for using WN and white supremacist interchangeably and non-specifically within this thread, despite their unique contextual definitions. It's 1:30 AM and Syria is my usual beat and now I'm going to bed.
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