I'm willing to share these thoughts on Twitter because I hardly ever use it, and if I posted this on my other social media accounts, people would think I'm crazy... er, crazier than usual...
I know so many of us are desperate to return to some sense of normalcy right now. The world exists in a crazy state, suspended by the Covid-19 outbreak. I've been incredibly depressed because of it myself...
However, I find that I don't desire a return to "normalcy." In fact, I desire drastic change - a new beginning, a fresh start, a new outlook on life and a strange sense of awe and inspiration...
I just went outside at 2:30am, turned on the hose in our backyard, and watered our pepper and tomato plants. At 2:30am. It was incredibly weird, but we didn't do it earlier in the evening, and I didn't want to risk hurting the plants...
I think I would be quite happy - content, even - to be that weird person who goes outside at 2:30am and waters the plants. Rather than the uninteresting, predictable person who works 9-6 Monday through Friday in a boring job with no room for advancement...
So, if we could all be different - unique - and not think it strange to water plants at 2:30am, I believe we would all add something special to this shared existence we call life. After all, who is to say that watering plants at 2:30am is weird?
Maybe all the people who water their plants during daylight or twilight hours are the weird ones, and those of us who keep strange hours are, in fact, the norm, and potentially happier than those who play by "the rules..."
Also, this thread better not go viral, because I don't have any other spectacular or interesting materials lined up for my own self-promotion, which would be a very smart usage of a viral tweet.
I'm just a guy, living through "unprecedented times," looking to make sense of the strange and wonderful thing we call life. Be weird. Do weird things. Make the world a little weirder every day, but most of all, be happy!
Water your plants at 2:30am. Change your perspective on life. Be weird. Be fun. Be unique. Make the world a weirder place. Just don't do anything illegal!
You can follow @stephan347.
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