The effect the MCU has had in how some people see anything not made by marvel studios as bad and how some others appreciate things not made by them more, is a factor in messing with all of us.

The MCU is a double bladed sword. Taste is subjective and maybe we all like trash.
Comic accuracy is something we can confirm but quality is much much harder. People’s tastes change, their minds/opinions can change because people also change. Yes these movies are not loved by the public, I certainly don’t like any of them but for every film there exists
At least one person who will like it or even make it their favorite regardless of all the other factors at some point or another. A movie can be awful and people can love it, it can be amazing and people could hate it.
Good and bad films throughout history may have been judged as misunderstood or underrated classics. People can like what they like, criticism is fine but hate mongering about movies people didn’t like and creating sides like toxic zombies is just ridiculous.
The MCU is awesome but it also unintentionally created this tension that makes some of us act like Thanos and wanting to snap out half of the comic book movies and opinions out of existence so we only have the half that we like.
I’m sure we were like this long before the MCU but unlike comic books films we never try to change or be better when trying to enjoy the things that can change.
This thread is stupid. Very stupid. I wish there was a way to get what I want to say across but I suck at expressing myself.

At the very least more people might appreciate films we didn’t before and that’s not necessarily a bad thing
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