Why I Am Afraid of Being a Black Woman: A Thread.
“The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman.”

- Malcolm X.
1. Healthcare.

A study in 2016 reported that BLACK WOMEN have the highest maternal mortality rate amongst all ethnicities in the United States. Black women are 3 to 4 times more likely to die during childbirth than white women. It has been several instances where a BW has..
stressed her concerns, pains, and feelings towards a doctor/nurse, for it to be overlooked, and ultimately lead to their death. We do not have the same bodies as other women. We deserve the same treatment as any other patients. I want to have kids one day. This scares me.
2. Opportunities:

Usually during graduation season, I get on the TL and I see these beautiful black women that are graduating, and I’m all smiles until I see a statistic they post. “Only 1% of black women are in my career frield, major, or department.”
As much of an accomplishment as that is, it makes me sad and scares me because these opportunities were not always available to us, and we have to fight 100x harder to gain these accolades. We are now starting to break down these barriers and diversify.
3. Culture Vultures:

I was bullied for having big lips and big hair. I was ashamed and did everything I could to minimize this. Now our traits, traditions, and culture have been snatched and branded by white women who get recognition and glory for it.
This scares me because BLACK WOMEN are the blueprint. Wearing darker makeup, hairstyles not meant for their hair type, forced AAV.. You see what you like, take it, claim it as yours, but don’t even care about our lives. You want the look but don’t want the struggle. yikes.
4. Raciam Trauma Instilled In Family Members, Lashed Out at Us:

I dread the holidays. I see my older family members and I know I’m about to receive stupid comments about my hair.

“Why is it curly? You need to comb and straighten it.”

“Your hair is your glory.”
“You got a boyfriend? Well you would if you comb your hair.”

I could have a black eye, but let me have one curl dangling and my family will go crazy and be fixated on that. But can I even be mad? It’s been instilled in them that straight, long, thick hair is the recipe...
for beauty. Can I blame them? They have been taught that having anything related to being black was not accepted, and fought to be accepted. This scares me because so many black girls have had their hair permed, cut, or changed to fit this criteria.
So many black girls don’t even know the beauty of their curls, coils, kinks. They don’t know and aren’t taught that this is your crown.
5. Tactics That Have Been Used Harm Black Women and Eradicate the Black Race:

yt people literally did everything to control and diminish the African American population. Birth control was administered to Black Women by the Gov’t and used as a method of population control.
Sterilization - A procedure that closes Fallopian tubes to stop pregnancy. Doctors would have Black Woman as patients, and without their consent, perform this procedure on them to stop them from reproducing. Apparently these mfs thought this was a way to...
“prOteCT society from those individuals deemed dangerous to society. PARTICULARLY people of COLOR.” This scares me because... do y’all see the extent these people went to to stop the flourishing of our race????? What in the world.
6. Our Own Race Doesn’t Understand Our Importance:

Black women tear down other black women, completely ignoring the fact that we need to team up because we have a bigger battle to fight. We talk about each other, and we don’t uplift or support each other enough.
This scares me because: while we doing this to each other, others are looking at us in a very bad light, and using this to feed the predispositions they already have against us. It scares me because we don’t realize how lethal and powerful we are when we team together. whew.
I have many more reasons. But I’m kinda sad now at the realization of all these things. That is all. Goodnight. 🧝🏾‍♀️
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