SOO- just asking, how do y’all feel about the different ships in KNY? I’m asking, because honestly- 😔if you ARE UNCOMFORTABLE with what I ship, then please you are free to unfollow or just let me know if you’re confused why I ship what not.
Yes, I follow problematic KNY accounts. Why? Because the ships are fictional and i may not ship what they do but I may find what they talk about the ships interesting or funny.
I do NOT discriminate the problematic accounts. I am NOT one of those people who tell them “oh I have rights to give hate and bully”. I don’t do those things. Why? Because I had people EXPLAIN to me why they ship what they do. I understood it very well about it
I know I’m being “soft” or something like that. Listen, I just nicely asked for an explanation and I got it. So now I have a diff view on those accounts. So I’m sorry if you disagree, on this thread I’m asking for OPINIONS ONLY.
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