Today's outcome from the Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum Inc v VicForests case is seismic. It's clear when you read some of the findings from the case summary by Justice Mortimer in this thread.
#FLBPvVicforests Summary 👇
@LeadbeatersPoss #auspol #springst
“...the Court has found that VicForests’ past forestry operations in those coupes that have been logged have had a significant impact on the Greater Glider, or the Leadbeater's Possum, or both.” - Justice Mortimer

#FLBPvVicforests @LeadbeatersPoss #auspol #springst
"..the Court has found that VicForests has not engaged, & is not likely to engage, in a careful evaluation of management options to avoid wherever practical the very real threats of serious damage to the Greater Gilder...."
#FLBPvVicforests #LeadbeatersPossum #auspol #springst
"The Court has found that the development & content of policies such as the Interim Greater Glider Strategy could not be properly described as a careful evaluation of management options but rather were defensive documents..."

#FLBPvVicforests @LeadbeatersPoss #auspol #springst
“Coupe planning for forestry operations is seldom modified to accommodate detections of Greater Glider, or to avoid logging high-quality Greater Glider habitat…” - Justice Mortimer

#FLBPvVicforests @LeadbeatersPoss #auspol #springst #GreaterGlider #logging
"..the Court has found VicForests relies on “desktop” and other theoretical methods, which the Court has found to be flawed, such as VicForests’ habitat mapping." - Justice Mortimer

#FLBPvVicforests @LeadbeatersPoss #LeadbeatersPossum #logging #GreaterGlider #auspol #springst
"The Court has found that existing forest management prescriptions have not been effective to arrest the decline of the Greater Glider and the Leadbeater’s Possum." - Justice Mortimer
#FLBPvVicforests @LeadbeatersPoss #auspol #springst #LeadbeatersPossum
"...VicForests’ consideration and application of management options pays insufficient regard to matters such as the high quality of the habitat for the Greater Glider in the impugned coupes..."- Justice Mortimer
#FLBPvVicforests @LeadbeatersPoss #auspol #springst #GreaterGlider
"Not only do VicForests’ forestry operations damage or destroy existing habitat critical to the survival of the two species, they also prevent new areas of forest from developing into such habitat in the future." #FLBPvVicforests @LeadbeatersPossum #auspol #springst
"...the Court has accepted the experts’ opinions that the increasing risks (in frequency & intensity) posed by wildfire to these reserves renders habitat in the impugned coupes all the more important,..."

#FLBPvVicforests @LeadbeatersPoss #auspol #springst
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