i hate it when women talk about how they’ve been sexually harassed by men, and men start saying “oh it happens to men too, it’s just no one talks about it” but before this, they were never an advocate for male sexual harassment. I mean y’all don’t even talk about it so I don’t...
now I’m not saying we shouldn’t address male sexual harassment, because it definitely happens and is just as important. but, if the only time you want to stand up against male sexual harassment is when women want to talk about theirs, then there is an issue.
(i made a slight mistake in my first tweet, I meant an advocate against)

stop trying to invalidate female issues by claiming they don’t care about male issues. We shouldn’t only have the opportunity to focus on female issues when male issues are also involved.
also, practice what you preach. You feel like no one talks about it? Start the conversation.

lastly, before any butthurt man enters my mentions. Not all men, but definitely every man offended by this thread.
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