Black men with anxiety literally aren't allowed to live safely in America but some of y'all ain't ready to hear that.
Seen a lot of tweets of people disgusted with #CentralParkKaren and rightfully so. But none of this is shocking, our country was founded on this shit from day 1 and people still aren't acknowledging that.

But if my dude didn't play it that cool? Would have been another sad story
Anxiety makes people irritable. Clouds judgement. Restlessness. If Christian Cooper had displayed any of that, all of his credibility would have been lost on a good chunk of America.

He was in a mental state to make the right calls. Many of us are not. We're only human.
One of the big problems within the Black community is that men aren't allowed to show weakness. We're called soft/weak when it comes out. And those are problems that we should do better to fix.

But the foundation that created those problems was ultimately placed to protect us...
From the looming threats of people like Karen who would call the cops on us the moment that weakness showed in any way that could be construed as anger.

It's a trauma that's taken root is upheld in the community, but it sure as hell didn't start there.
I work in the mental health field, and every time an incident like this comes up it has to be processed with so many black boys. Many with conditions that make it hard to make good calls in stressful positions. They're hurting.

I can't blame them, I'm hurting too.
Point is, this whole incident really highlights the intersection of black men being required to be twice as composed and the fact that many of us have to come to terms with our own mortality once we realize that we can't stifle our human reactions. And we shouldn't have to.
The systemic issues on this run so deep that I'm not even going to try to dissect this further.

But just know that these veins of hurt run deep, and many of us don't have the capacity to put them into eloquent words. But that doesn't erase the pain or struggle.
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