A famous white man who *trashed* me on his podcast for calling out the Jenner’s cultural appropriation tagged me in his video on George Floyd’s murder as if I was supposed to RT it.

Our death is not for your visibility and Black women are not your mules.
I’m not tagging him or the video for what I hope are obvious reasons.

I just had to get that off my chest.
There is this gross subculture of White people who make videos talking about racism who then send them to Black activists for promo or co-signs or to spread them to our followers and if you’re doing this for a cookie cause it’s the trending topic of the day you are not my ally.
PLEASE stop sending me those and sit w why you felt the need to ask me to basically promo your “look at me I’m woke!” video like it’s an ad.

Anti-racism is NOT a performance.

You can follow @MsPackyetti.
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