THREAD: Okay, I need to get this off my chest because I have seen no one talk about this at all. What the utter hell is going on with Ubisoft’s Terms of Service update!? Essentially, all User Generated Content (UGC) you make is owned by them and they have every right to- (1/9)
THREAD: use your likeness for commercial and promotional use when you agree. Furthermore, if they take your UGC and attempt to use that and then get they get a lawsuit over what was in your content, you have to pay Ubisoft the damages for them stealing content that wasn’t- (2/9)
THREAD: meant for that purpose. What in the actual fuck.. Oh, and by the way, since they have ownership of your content, they can claim it and have the original content YOU created removed because of their ToS update. And as always, if you don’t agree to the changes, you- (3/9)
THREAD: lose all your games. That is actually infuriating for any game that’s “worth playing”. For instance, say someone plays Uno or For Honor and wants to make a video. By making that video, you are essentially giving Ubisoft rights to you as a person, and enabling them- (4/9)
THREAD: to abuse “fair use”.

First off, it is against fair use for Ubisoft to do this.

Quote: “Fair use is a legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression by permitting the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works in certain circumstances.”

By putting this in- (5/9)
THREAD: their ToS, they are in direct violation against Federal Copyright Law in the U.S. by violating Section 107 of Copyright Law, which mind you, nearly all UGC falls under. Furthermore, mods are also under this act as it clearly states, “Additionally, “transformative”- (6/9)
THREAD: uses are more likely to be considered fair. Transformative uses are those that add something new, with a further purpose or different character, and do not substitute for the original use of the work.” So they cannot physically own anything that shows modified- (7/9)
THREAD: gameplay and monitized content, such as YouTube videos. The ToS are entirely in violation of U.S. copyright law, if I am reading this correctly. If I am misinterpreting ANY OF THIS, feel free to correct me in a comment to this thread. The factor they’re- (8/9)
getting away with this is bullshit and needs to stop. Share this thread to spread awareness as this shouldn’t even be allowed to happen. #FixUbisoft #FairUse #YouTube #Ubisoft

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