Real talk though:

I miss RPing. It's such a good escape, a good way to be intimate, and something that just let's creativity out and about.

That RP died bothers me a lot. I really, truly wish it hadn't; I want to make stories and worlds with friends.
To that end, if you don't think RP is dead and just miss it like me, hit me up! I'm always down to get my typing on, DM's or on telegram @/sasukewuff.
Plus, since I'm up to... 59 characters now, I'm sure I have something to strike every fancy *eyebrow waggle*
Oh and if you're nervous about hitting me up because I'm a writer or you have a weird schedule or whatever reason; don't be. Really. I'm not special or better than you or have less going on in life. What's the worst a hi and a bit of RP can do, right?
You can follow @sasukewuff.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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