Mr. President @potus, @RudyGiuliani and @parscale we are all fed up with censorship by the tech giants. I left Facebook a long time ago. They are a lost cause. I came to twitter for two reasons 1)to get you reelected and 2) it allows me to gift Congress directly with my feedback
instantaneously. I have pretty much given up that Congress will implement any change to censorship for the giants. So it seems to me the only way to strike back is to hit them in the pocket.

I am also on Parler and I like their rules and their platform. Twitter has one feature
that Parler does not. Twitter has group messaging and Parler does not. Twitter’s group messaging is important on several fronts:
1. It allows up to 50 people in one message
2. It allows us to all talk to each other. We have fun and we strategize.
3. The most important feature
all 50 of us can post as many tweets as we want in the message. It is very similar to group text messages. Someone makes a comment -everyone sees it and anyone or all can respond to it. The power of the group message is in the tweets. We post a tweet in the room and 49 other
people retweet it. Doesn’t sound like much until you do the math. Let’s say each person retweeting the message has an average of 5k followers. However, many many many of us have far more than that. Many of us have 10,15,20, 30, 50 thousand or more followers. But let’s stick with
5k as an average. 49 people x 5k followers x 1 tweet = 250,000 followers will receive the tweet within 30 seconds of sending it.There is an an overlap because we share some of the same followers. However, if you, Rudy, Brad and I share Suzi as a follower she will receive the same
tweet from each of us. When Suzi sees it on her timeline from all of us she will probably say “this must be important” and will likely retweet it to her followers and then their followers retweet it. Tweets that are retweeted from group messages generally
average a 150 or more Retweets. It is not uncommon for tweets originating from this process to be retweeted 400 + times or more.

We would flock to Parler if they give us this one capability. It will not happen until they do. If they do it, the libs will follow because it won’t
be fun without us. I own Twitter stock. Twitter’s board definitely knows who I am. I have written them many times - everytime Twitter jack’s with me - pun intended. I have prepared a comparison of what Twitter offers and what Parler offers. Parler could have us tomorrow.
The board of directors are not performing their fiduciary responsibility of protecting stock holder investment. They are being dangerously careless with it. A mass exodus of conservatives represents at minimum one half of their US customers. That would mean a loss in advertising
revenues, followed by a loss of liberal users, followed by a loss of more advertisors followed by Twitter employees out on the crap filled streets of San Francisco along with Paul Singer sitting on a pile of worthless stock and Twitter facing mounting lawsuits from unhappy
stockholders. This isn’t rocket science. And, you know what - I don’t care if I lose every last dollar of my investment if those morons can’t see the light.

So the moral of this story, get Brad to get with Parler. Below is the article I wrote with the comparisons between the
two companies. Every time Twitter deleted my follower or puts me a timeout or more, I publicize it and send it to the board. They have not even acknowledged one of my many letters to the board. While it is frustrating it is not surprising. Yes, it is time to hit Twitter in the
Here is a ps: President Trump opened his account on Parler officially not long after I published the above article.
You can follow @TheSheilaG2020.
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