Look I love SMPTWT's content and memes and stuff, but a majority of you guys are honestly so butthurt, overly sensitive, and toxic to a point where this fandom is the embodiment of cancel culture which is REALLY shitty. Misfitstwt is in more control than smptwt and that says alot
I know it's an asshole thing to say, but the content creators we love to watch THRIVE on offensive humor which sometimes HAS to include unacceptable dark humor that shouldn't be taken seriously because it's OBVIOUSLY A JOKE. Yeah saying slurs and shit is awful, but don't take +
+ out on the creators just because they probably didnt actually mean anything by it. Yeah, it's really shitty to say, but if they just apologize and explain themselves then everything will be fine. They mean no harm and the fans/stand are AWFUL people if they want to ruin +
+ someone's entire career and possibly their life for a mistake they made. It's a big deal in the sense that it's insensitive, but it doesnt mean they meant any harm. People make mistakes and they should apologize for their accidents, but they shouldn't owe their life to +
+ toxic fans. You guys wouldnt care as much if it weren't for them being popular on the internet. They're pressured to be perfect and if they make any kind of mistake they'll instantly be cancelled and it's really shitty and awful for everyone involved. Sorry for the rant +
+ it's an unpopular opinion and I texted this out of rage, so I'm sorry if I offended anyone. All I can say is they're pressured and make mistakes and as long as they acknowledge not to say things again, then it's fine and they should be forgiven. Sorry, have a nice day
In an attempt to avoid being cancelled, I feel like I should mention that in no way is saying a slur unless reclaimed is acceptable and I highly disapprove of it. However, if someone were to accidentally say it without realizing it or thinking it wasnt a big deal because they +
+ don't know any better, they should be forgiven because they haven't been taught and have not faced the oppression, they don't know what it feels like to be oppressed in that way, so they think it's not big deal and it's not their fault. Just stop cancelling people for mistakes
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