
#Locusts are one of the oldest migratory pests in the world. They change their behaviour and form swarms that can migrate over large distances.
1 sq km of Desert Locust has around 80 million adults and can consume food consumed by 35,000 people in one day.
According to FAO, a Desert Locust swarm the size Paris will consume the same amount of food in a single day as half the France. Research says it can affect 20% of Earth's land, more than 65 of the world's poorest countries, and damage the livelihood of 1/10th of the world's pop.
They can fly up to 150 km per day thus migrating over large distances. They multiply 20 times in 3 months, 400 times in 6 months, and 8000 times in 9 months. They generally migrate to India at the onset of monsoon as rainfall is conducive to their survival and reproduction.
Ways to control #DesertLocust
1. Making noise and generating smoke by generators in farms/nurseries
2. Use of Chloropyrifos, however excessive use will damage the ecology
3. Biological control by Ducks & Hens. Ducks eat up to 200 locusts a day and are used by China for this
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