The present civilizations of humans should be the most intelligent and open-minded now than ever before, considering the widespread use of the internet and easy communication with one another from across the planet.
The majority of people have the ability to expose themselves to other cultures, beliefs, and mindsets in the matter of minutes. Yet, billions are still racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, etc.
In one hour, a person can search for and read dozens of people’s stories about their experiences with racist/homophobic/ableist comments, educating themselves on social issues they never considered before because they haven’t experienced it. One hour.
Yet, this is not the majority of users’ time spent on social media, instead filled with constant memes and other temporary things. Which, don’t get me wrong, has it’s own importance to the daily lives of most people in our recent society.
Spending time looking at memes and other random, temporary things online is just as much entertainment as watching tv. Humans need temporary things, stuff that comes easy and isn’t stressful. However, people have lost the importance of exposure and knowledge.
The use of social media is a balance, or rather, it should be. It is only our laziness and natural contentment with our world that is holding the majority of humans back from this said balance.
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