me coming from vanilla p5, realizing that the new smooth yet forlorn jazz song in P5R is actually about akechi (telling himself that he doesn't regret his actions, when he obviously does after befriending Joker):

yo this game bout to fuck me up πŸ˜”πŸ˜©
I know I've been raving about this song so much, but I feel like understanding what THE GAME ITSELF is trying to tell us about Akechi through this one song was a huge eureka! moment for me.
Even now, some ppl are simply tagging him as an emotionless murderer and that's not really a fair or complete judgement.

With his social link overhaul and the third sem events, the game is repeatedly bashing our heads in with a certain message about Akechi and his convictions.
No More What Ifs just conveys so much emotional turmoil, regret, and wishful thinking on Akechi's part that it just won me over, and I *do* feel like I understood him better (coming from someone who didn't like him at all in vanilla P5)
i know there's other people who can explain and has explained it better but yeah that's it I just needed to get this out thanks for coming to my ted talk πŸ˜‚
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