If we know that are Odus are books of life and the major chapters are called 16 Mejis, this thread will take a dive into explaining some of the esoteric concepts within in very simple terms!

Let’s take a look at the divine codes of the universe ⤵️
The 16 Mejis are technically the sons of the Great Mother, therefore also making them also the direct offspring of Olodumare (the creator). Ifa personifies everything, this religion is heavily into animism

If we personify the mejis, the stories and the lesson will come to life⤵️
Let’s start with the first odu, Eji Ogbe.

This is the King of Ifa, representing the absolute birth of life. Where the path of knowledge and the power of thought & wisdom sits. Eji Ogbe is the King even though it’s the youngest, there’s actually an interesting story on it ⤵️
The oldest Odu, Ofun Meji, thought he was going to be King of Ifa. He knew all the inner workings, he was very skilled but my guy was a bit arrogant.

He went to Olodumare, his pops, and was like “I’m meant to be King”

Olodumare was like “👀 Are you sure?”

Ofun Meji said yea⤵️
Olodumare: “Aight, if you think so, take this cow and go back to Earth with your brothers and split this animal amongst yourself”

They complied, Ofun was geeked!

However Eji Ogbe being the last brother, didn’t think he was gonna get much of the cow so he went to Ifa⤵️
He went to Ifa because even though he was the youngest and the runt, he still believe he could be King.

Ifa said, “You can def be King. You should make ebo (sacrifice) with a cow head and the intestines of the cow.”

Ofun & the rest later called for Eji Ogbe to get his parts ⤵️
What his brothers left him was a head of a cow and its intestines, his ebo material. He performed the sacrifice and it was accepted

Fast forward to Orun (spiritual realm), Olodumare was getting ready to announce the King. Ofun was getting arrogant, popping his collar and shit ⤵️
Oyeku, the second brother looked back at Eji Ogbe with a grin bc he peeped game and Ofun looked back too. Eji Ogbe, the youngest, reappeared crowned as King of Ifa

This was a lesson to show that anything is possible with Ifa, that even the runt still can be King one day⤵️
What happened to Ofun? My guy, pompous as fuck, became the 16th Odu, the last place. A word about how arrogance and lack of humility will take you off your throne and snatch your shit real quick!⤵️
2. This is Oyeku. This Odu represents the ending of a cycle. Death, the ending chapters of life. But also the promise of rebirth. The unknown sits here. ⤵️
3. This is Iwori. Just as the pairs on the end of the lines weigh down the pattern on either end, this odu represents the procss of balance. Peace on a subconscious level, the ability to look inward while the world still spins ⤵️
4. This is Eji Odi. The 4th Odu that completes the cardinal points of the universe. The idea of reincarnation sits here. Motherhood and the rising Sun is here. Also the Odu that speaks of a Yemoja’s entry to the world ⤵️
5. Irosun. Heavy divinely feminine energy here. This is where menstrual cycles come from. Osun has many stories here! The lesson with this Odu is sometimes that doing things the hard way is the best way ⤵️
6. Eji Owonrin. Breaking away. Leaving the status quo, breaking away from things that hinder your movement and success. Innovation is here ⤵️
7. Eji Obara. Dual personality. The underdog & the King. Moving with a mixture of ire (blessings) and ibi (negativity). The need to think about things closely to not make wrong decisions. Kingship comes from here.
8. Eji Okanran. Here lies the connection to egungun (the ancestors). Pushing through against overwhelming odds, standing strong in identity. Humility + respect leads to your fortune. Fresh wealth. The idea of marriage is here,marriage ceremony verses are here ⤵️
9. Eji Oko. The Odu of when Ogun descended down to Earth from Orun. This Odu was where Olodumare gave Ogun and Esu the knowledge to make roads. Where government comes from, all models of foundation. Societies and communities.
10. Osa Meji. Where the Iyaami Aje (the mothers) was birthed and sent to Earth. Where feminine + masculine dynamics existed in this religion. Egbe (soul family) is referenced here. The idea of communications, dialogue, intersection and exchanges ⤵️
11. Ika Meji. Where epe (curse) was birthed. Egbe and the connections to mental health is here. Running away from evil thoughts, actions, etc.
12. Oturupon. Stubbornness. The ability to preserve during difficult times. Stability and security, facing challenges directly. Friendships created here
13. Otura Meji. Total peace and harmony, love, etc. Peace of mind leads to your success. Ties to Iyaami and Osun. The people accused Osun of being part of the Iyaami Aje (the mothers/witches), in traditional Ifa, the accusation was debunked. But not in Lucumi
14. Irete. Looking within, self discipline. Taking the initiative. Riches and prosperity are through you.
15. Ose Meji. Established that city of Ibadan in Nigeria. Meditation, getting closer to Orunmila & Obatala. Strengthening and refining your professional and spiritual capabilities
16. Ofun. The most senior Odu, but not King. Completion, the complete end of a cycle. Blessings that come from journey, the need to have more maturity. Lesson that if you do not get your arrogance in check, you will come last.
This was a long ass post, if you were able to make it to the end, I appreciate ya! I hope y’all left this thread with the ability to now say you know something about the 16 Mejis 💛
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