The start of a field season is always busy - planning logistics, orienting new teams, & doing time-sensitive research.

This year it was more challenging due to #COVID & I’m proud of how my team @usfs_nrs responded. Here’s what we did:
Everyone took a hard look at plans for this summer. What are the top priority projects? How can we complete them safely?

If it wasn’t high priority or wasn’t possible to do safely, it was cancelled or delayed.
I set up a new folder in our file sharing system that is shared with everyone at our facility to facilitate sharing information virtually.

Many co-workers helped populate it with useful facility information and safety protocols.
I drafted guidelines, specific for our location, to minimize risk of spread of #COVID. The guidelines incorporate Ohio’s sector specific requirements.
After sharing and feedback from the group, I put the document in the shared file so it can be updated over time.
We are doing a lot of working from home. The fewer people that are at the lab, the safer it is for the people who must be there. We interact virtually when possible. We have protocols in place for social distancing and sanitation. And we wear our masks.
Each activity @usfs_nrs has an associated JHA (job hazard analysis) to specify hazards & safety measures. We updated all the JHA’s for this summer with #COVID safety measures. All in the shared file too, to access online instead of a shared paper copy.
Phew - then it was time to orient the summer team. We took orientation day virtual this year so everyone including the new interns could log on from home. Introductions, overview of research plans, protocols, COVID safety, and required training.
Our weekly team meeting changed to a weekly team conference call in March. That lets us all give a quick update and coordinate plans for the week. I check in separately with the people I supervise to see how they’re doing and what I can do to help them.
We used to have a weekly lunch time seminar series, so I took it virtual this year. We had our first one today! Charlie Flower presented American elm tree breeding and restoration research. It went really smoothly!

Many thanks to @jimlootens for helping me get this set up!
Differences in access to internet & computers, and busy field schedules complicate participation. It’s key to have multiple ways to participate - online through Microsoft Teams, via conference call and downloaded presentation pdf, or downloading the recording later.
I generally prefer low tech solutions and dislike learning new technology, but doing the seminar series virtually has some awesome added benefits, like participation from emeritus scientists who have moved away, remote field teams, and collaborators.
While implementing all of this has been exhausting and time-consuming, I felt it was important to get it right.
My hope is that we can keep our team safe, help everyone feel connected even though we are physically separated, and get our top priority projects accomplished.
You can follow @KathleenSKnight.
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