🌎Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo🌎
Sometimes we fear the cold and hard truths because we are unaware just how advantageous it can be. There is some element of knowing and finding that you’re avoiding or that you’ve just discovered and wish you didn’t. It’s important to know that (1)
those things we see as obstacles are only meticulously placed power plays that can lead us to where we need to be. This is a time of cleansing and purification, meant to reactivate your potential and vibrant life force. You may currently be feeling alone, or feeling (2, Earth)
like the current circumstances have left you with nowhere to run and no one to talk too, but little do you know that there is support all around you. You will find support in the most unexpected or unconventional of ways. Just be open to seeing it that way. (3, Earth)
Often times, you may be unsusceptible to accepting confidants, or accepting a shoulder to cry on, but trust, this strength in vulnerability and openness is how you find the way forward. It’s time to really consider why you fear this type of emotional experience. (4, Earth)
And what about this truth that you’ve discovered made it harder to face? There is a reason for this time, and there are lessons to be learned. The first lesson is one of trust, in yourself and in others. The next is of enjoyment. It’s time you started enjoying the (5, Earth)
journey instead of running from it. If you can see this seemingly barren ground with enthusiasm and hope instead of fear, then you can do anything. It’s time to prove something to yourself, instead of others. The relationship of trust with the self is built by (6, Earth)
challenging yourself and following through. These moments can help you to savor life in a new way than before. Think of it as something you wish to enjoy so much before it runs out that you never miss an opportunity to go deeper and explore something unknown. (7, Earth)
You can overcome anything. Sometimes that which we overcome, can also be the thing that increases our chances of prosperity and abundance. (8, Earth)

*Sun, Moon, Rising*
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