ok my actual complicated Hot Take on astrology and why it's really popular with millenials/z's is that our former touchstones for developing individual identity as actualized persons within modern Euro-western culture were heavily dependent on adherence to cultural norms and on..
economic milestones that have eroded away from the realm of possibility for many of us. Society told us that being an adult was defined by what you own and consume, but a lot of us can only get by. If we have nothing, we ARE nothing. Enter astrology as a gateway to having those..
avenues of establishing, forming, and toying with deeper facets of identity. I also think the rise of social media and mental health awareness has increased our need to self-reflect and to thoroughly define every aspect of our unconscious being. But we also don't feel confident..
as authors of our own narrative due to generational and cultural sources of insecurity (this is why the Girls and the Gays really dig astrology - groups who are super-susceptible to insecurity of self because of institutional fuckery). The stars allow us to believe that certain..
aspects of ourselves are innate, and therefore, we are able to solidify them and to own them without feeling like we're making it up. Of course we are. Identity is inherently made up. But our impostor syndrome makes us ghost-writers to our identities. We let stars take the lead.
[end thread]
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