The Drama today was a perfect example of this.

Let's discuss
This feedback loop is fueled by engagement, validation, and money.

Every tweet, post, like, and comment feeds the algorithm. Since drama gets a lot of attention, the system promotes it.

Twitter is set up to disincentivize conversation and incentivizes "hot takes"
This is done by limiting the characters of a tweet, forcing the author to remove nuance, and exaggerate emotion.

This leads to massive confusion, misunderstandings and false accusations. and it's made worse by the fact that no one is incentivized to actually talk to each other.
When someone makes a dramatic tweet it is often to validate themselves or a group.

When a like-minded person hears that tweet they feel validated and engage with it.

This engagement boosts the tweet and gives validation back to the author, helping to perpetuate the cycle.
Twitter makes money off of selling ads, so the more attention and engagment you give Twitter the more money it makes.

Essentially Twitter is farming drama and making you fight so they can profit.

Your relationships are commodities to be bought and sold.
We can stop this drama cycle if we wanted to.

We have to prioritize conversations over conflict.

Instead of making a hot take, or assuming you know what someone meant when you call them out, try talking to them first.
It is totally logical to feel offended, and be upset with what someone says or does.

But jumping to the attack before you've exhausted all other options is unwise.

We should try to practice the idea of charity, and assume good faith when conversing with a comrade.
And finally, if we don't engage with the drama in the form of a hot take, but rather discuss problems we have with one another, we will reduce the confusion.

We need to bring back humanity!

Real conversations are important!
and even after all of that, I know I'm going to be taken out of context, and exactly what I'm talking about is going to happen here...

But that's okay.

All we can do is try to talk to each other, and hope the drama cycle goes in the right direction.

This was my TED talk
You can follow @professordarwin.
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